Spokesman as Statesman: Archie Manning for BankPlus

When two national icons, such as Archie and Eli Manning, represent the same bank, it’s essential to use both in the unique ways that match brand attributes with who they really are. Here, Archie is allowed to be the respected “Elder Statesman” that so many now see him as in real life. In this campaign, Archie isn’t required to “sell” a retail message — instead, he can concentrate on the core beliefs and values that both he and BankPlus genuinely share. In that way, the relationship feels more heartfelt and genuine than the typical celebrity endorsement.

When using celebrity endorsements, don’t force fit. Match what is true about the celebrity to what is true about your brand. The more the public sees the honesty of the collaboration, the greater the likelihood that they will believe the message and give credit to the brand.

Many brands can reach larger audiences through association with celebrity spokespeople and other respected endorsers. The trick is to pick wisely — not just people you like, but people who are “on message” for your brand. In that way, the long-term marketing strategy can be amplified by a celebrity endorser, rather than hijacked by a personality that doesn’t quite fit.

See the other two commercials here and here.

 Bob Potesky is Partner/Executive Creative Director at The Ramey Agency

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