Transform the Way You Work

In today’s fast-paced workforce, delivering quality work quickly can be a challenge. As a Project Manager, I’ve found that optimizing the way you work can make a big difference. It might seem counterintuitive in the daily hustle, but taking the time to fine-tune your approach helps bring method to the everyday madness.

Find your flow.

Everyone has a natural rhythm. Some are more productive in the morning while others hit their stride in the afternoon. Identify when you’re at your best and optimize your task list and calendar accordingly. Schedule time for deep thought work versus quick tasks and tailor your workspace to your preferences. Sit at a desk, eliminate distractions and work in silence, or get comfy on a sofa and play a show, podcast or music in the background if that’s more your speed.

Tame the never-ending to-do list.

Managing a seemingly never-ending to-do list can be daunting. Take 30 minutes out of your morning to jot down all of the tasks you need to tackle, then prioritize them to ensure that the most critical items are completed first. Consider which tasks could be postponed or rescheduled if needed. While relying on a to-do list may seem obvious, truly taking control of it can be key to focusing your mindset.

Slow but steady wins the race.

This is a skill that takes practice and discipline, but value quality over speed. Rushing through tasks or responses can lead to mistakes and additional follow-ups, ultimately consuming more of your time in the long run. Avoid letting minor issues or quick requests hijack your time. This might require a shift in mindset, but remember that those tasks you can accomplish in “just 5 minutes” can add up quickly and distract you from your priorities.

Prepare for the plot twist.

Even with the best planning, it’s inevitable that the day isn’t going to go exactly as anticipated. When faced with a curveball, don’t abandon your plan. Reprioritize and take time to adapt as needed in order to keep control of your workflow and workload.

Caitlin Vance

Written by

Caitlin Vance

Senior Project Manager

Want to talk?

Alex Diethelm

New Business Manager

[email protected]