It’s our favorite time of year — The Annual Ramey Crawfish Boil! Team Ramey recently gathered for an afternoon of crawfish, high-stakes Jenga and competitive cornhole, plus updates from our leadership team.

One of the highlights was the announcement of the 2022 Reach Higher Grant recipients. The Ramey Reach Higher Grant encourages team members to reach far outside of their comfort zone – from Mission work in Haiti to learning a new hobby. This year, we had four winners: Abby Bailey, Emily Jones, Tony Lawton and Caitlin Gardner! A little bit about why they were selected:
Abby Bailey will go through yoga teacher training to overcome her fear of standing in front of a class, being vulnerable and leading a room full of people.
Tony Lawton likes to pursue adventure through art and appreciates what a job well done looks like (even if that means failing a few times). He will attempt new skills at a six week pottery course.
Emily Jones will go far outside of her comfort zone by participating in the Loyola’s Women’s Leadership Academy. She expects it will challenge her current set of ethos and help her learn from the community around her.
Caitlin Gardner loves the ocean and is ready to do something bigger. She will use her Reach Higher grant to get certified in ASA101 Basic Sailing in a three-day sailing course.

It’s an annual tradition at the Crawfish Boil to induct new members into the X Club – an exclusive group of employees with at least ten years at Ramey. This year we were proud to induct Julie Staires!