2024 Holiday Shopping and the Consumer Mindset

As the holiday season approaches, brands face the challenge of connecting with consumers whose mindsets shift throughout the shopping period. I recently read a Think with Google report that sheds light on four key consumer mindsets during Q4: deliberate, deal-seeking, determined, and devoted. Understanding these mindsets can help brands tailor their strategies and engage effectively with customers from early planning to post-holiday shopping.

1. Deliberate (May – November): The game is already on: holiday shopping journey begins well before Q4 kicks off. From as early as May, consumers adopt a deliberate mindset, thoughtfully planning their purchases and curating their wishlists. This period is marked by careful consideration, as shoppers research products, compare options, and set budgets. For brands, this is the prime time to engage with potential customers by offering valuable content, early promotions, and detailed product information that helps guide their planning process.

2. Deal-Seeking (November – Cyber Week): As the holiday season progresses, shoppers become increasingly deal-seeking. They are on the lookout for the best bargains, prioritizing quality and value. This behavior intensifies during Cyber Week—the five days between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday—when consumers are most active in hunting for deals. Brands should capitalize on this period by rolling out compelling promotions, discounts, and exclusive offers. Highlighting value through targeted advertising and strategic pricing can capture the attention of deal-driven shoppers.

3. Determined (December): By December, the consumer mindset shifts to determined. Shoppers are focused on completing their holiday purchases and are highly engaged across various channels. They seek efficient shopping experiences and are willing to navigate through multiple touchpoints to ensure they meet their holiday deadlines. However, brands should streamline their processes, offering easy navigation, fast shipping options, and clear, compelling calls to action to facilitate quick decision-making. Sixty percent of U.S. consumers have abandoned a purchase altogether when faced with too many options or too much information.

4. Devoted (January): The holiday shopping cycle doesn’t end in December. Throughout January, a devoted segment of consumers continues to shop, often seeking post-holiday deals or making returns. This group prioritizes brand loyalty, reflecting on their holiday experiences and making purchases based on their satisfaction with previous interactions. Brands can leverage this opportunity by reinforcing their commitment to customer service, offering loyalty rewards, and providing personalized follow-ups to nurture long-term relationships.

Understanding and addressing key consumer mindsets enables brands to craft targeted strategies that resonate with shoppers at different stages of the holiday season. By aligning marketing efforts with these evolving behaviors, brands can enhance engagement, drive sales, and build lasting customer loyalty throughout the holiday shopping rush.

Anne-Lauren Fratesi

Written by

Anne-Lauren Fratesi

Content Marketing Director

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